Friday, June 29, 2012

Shannon & Ryan's Maternity photos

Meet my favorite couple, Shannon and her hubby Ryan, and there little bundle of joy, due on Jan 23rd, Elsie Joy! YES it’s a Girl!! The name for their little sweetie comes from both their grandparents, “Elsie” is from Ryan’s side and “Joy” is from Shannon’s side, (that is so sweet)!
Well to start off our story, Shannon was really hoping for some snow, but I guess Mother nature didn’t want to cooperate with us this year, so we were planning on going to Taylor Falls, but ended up meeting at Lake Calhoun, because there was some snow the night before, but wouldn’t ya know it, we get there and it’s pretty much gone!! BUT, we still found some and had a GREAT time!
As I had said in my post after I took the photos, Shannon had some struggles on getting pregnant, her and I had great conversations though email and my heart totally went out to her, but I am so happy for them now that there little girl is on her way.
Here is part of an email she had wrote to me on her struggles, “I went through 17 months of infertility treatments to get to the point where we are now. We were actually on our last round of injections before we would have to go to IVF. We had gotten so used to negative pregnancy tests that I had my "test" days planned - I would get my negative, go back to bed, and cry. I would take the day off from work, go out for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, and then drink a bottle of wine. The morning I found out I was pregnant, I had NO CLUE what to do with myself. I went into work, and my boss was very confused. I just said, "The test said 'yes+'.” 

How awesome is that!!! Anyway, I am just so happy for the both of them, and like I said before I JUST LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!! Congrats Shannon and Ryan on you new little sweet baby due VERY SOON!! Thank you so much for contacting me, I had a GREAT time with you guys!! Enjoy your photos!

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