Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jesse's Senior Photos

Meet my next Senior, his name is Jesse and he's a senior at Princeton High School. His mom and I went to High School together too, so it was tons of fun catching up with each other! Jesse is in Karate and has earned his black belt. Pretty impressive!! Thanks again you guys for having me! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Steve and Erica's Family Photo's Cambridge MN

 Meet Erica's and her family, Husband Steve, and kids Landon and Logan! We meet over a small park off of 95 in Cambridge. I had such a fun time meeting them. This is their first time doing family photos! I hope you guys enjoyed your experience!! I encourage Erica to keep doing family photos every year, because they are so much fun to look back on, the kids sure had a fun time Logan didn't want to quit, he wanted to keep taking more!! LOL..those kids were too cute!! I hope you guys enjoy your photos, and COME TO FIND OUT, that Steve is the son of my co-worker, and NO ONE said anything during our shoot!! LOL I had to giggle when I found out!! Thanks again you guys I really had fun meeting you!! :)

Sam's Senior Photos

Meet my next senior Sam. Sam is from Braham High School and is currently taking courses at the Camb College and according to his mom is on the road to succeed and is very academic! Thanks so much Sam for hanging out with me!! Hope you enjoy your photos!